Hormones regulate and interconnect many systems and processes in the body, including weight regulation, appetite, metabolism, energy levels, mood, reproductive cycles, sleep and much more. They function together like a symphony, if each is present in the right amounts, at the right time, they can work together and create beautiful music and optimal health.  If one goes out of tune, it can affect the others and spiral into a myriad of symptoms:

  • Fatigue

  • Mood swings

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight (despite doing all the right things!)

  • Difficult menstrual cycles (PMS, cramps, heavy menstrual cycles, PCOS)

  • Difficulty falling asleep or frequent waking at night

  • Skin and hair changes

  • Digestive disturbances

  • Decreased sex drive 

Hormones should function like a well-tuned orchestra, and make beautiful music


In addition, at certain times of life, major shifts in hormones can bring about additional challenges: puberty, postpartum, perimenopause/menopause and andropause.

Identifying the imbalances requires a deep understanding of how hormone imbalances present in the body, interpreting signs and symptoms, and testing.  Depending on the hormone in question, blood, urine or saliva tests may be required. Testing helps take the guesswork out of the hormone assessment process and greatly aids in producing effective treatment plans.  At the clinic, we use standard LifeLabs tests, comprehensive DUTCH tests, as well as salivary testing.

Effectively achieving hormone balance requires work. Treatment plans include diet changes, lifestyle changes including stress reduction and exercise, supplements to the diet: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc, herbal medicines, and sometimes bio-identical hormone prescriptions.  If hormone prescriptions are required, I can work with compounding pharmacists to prescribe exactly what is needed to bring hormones back into balance. 

No two people have the same hormonal picture, and each treatment plan must be individualized to achieve balance. 

I have many years of experience treating the following conditions:

  • Perimenopause/menopause

  • Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s and sub-clinical hypothyroidism)

  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • “Adrenal fatigue” or “Burn-out” aka Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction

  • Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

  • Postpartum recovery