Evidence-based, patient-centred integrative cancer care

There is a wealth of medical research relating to dietary and lifestyle factors that can decrease risk of developing cancer, slow progression, improve longevity, and prolong remission in patients who have had cancer. In practice, I draw on the highest quality research available, as there is an overwhelming amount of misinformation online about the use of various alternative therapies in the treatment of cancer. I strive to empower each patient living with cancer to make informed decisions regarding the best integrative treatments for their particular situation.


I treat all patients along the cancer continuum:

Prevention. Having a family history of cancer is not a guarantee that one will be diagnosed with it.  It is possible to have many risk factors for developing cancer, however, there are often many risk factors that can be reduced or modified.  A comprehensive approach in assessing all other risk factors and seeing which ones are modifiable can help lower the risk of developing cancer. 

During active treatment: Once a cancer diagnosis has been made, there are so many supportive dietary and lifestyle changes that can support a more positive outcome. Pre- and post-surgical support, immune system strengthening, and reducing side effects of conventional oncotherapy are all areas of intervention. Using research as a guide, these therapies are implemented in a personalized treatment plan. The priorities are three-fold and all need to be carefully taken into account:

1. Safety (ensuring there is no negative interaction with conventional therapies)

2. Quality-of-life

3. Optimizing the outcome.

There are agents that have been shown in clinical trials to positively influence all three of these areas. For example, it is often possible to improve a person’s tolerance to chemotherapy and decrease side effects so that they are able to do the entire treatment course, at the target dose.

Survivorship and post-treatment: due to the side effects and toxicity of many conventional cancer treatments, quality-of-life may be compromised, and a plan to recover health is paramount. Many post treatment symptoms: fatigue, insomnia, mood changes, neuropathy, digestive disturbances, etc, can be addressed using naturopathic therapies. This is also where risk reduction is very important. While in remission, care must be taken to address the person’s individual terrain so that the seed of cancer cannot grow back.  All therapies used in this stage are assessed for safety in the context of ongoing medications and possible residual cancer cells.

Individualized treatment plans often include many of the following treatments, and priority is given to treatments that have documented, human clinical trials to support their use.

  • Dietary changes

  • Lifestyle modifications

  • Exercise

  • Stress management

  • Nutraceuticals

  • Medicinal herbs and mushrooms

  • Repurposed prescription drugs (ex. metformin)

  • Intravenous and injectable therapies

  • Acupuncture