Chronic pain (headaches, neuralgia, cancer pain, rheumatic pain, fibromyalgia)
Anxiety disorders including panic attacks, social anxiety, performance anxiety
Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, grief
Low self-esteem/confidence/motivation
Stress management
Fears and phobias
Smoking cessation & addictions (drug/food/behaviour)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Weight loss
Digestive conditions (IBS, GERD, dyspepsia, nausea, food sensitivities)
Preparation for surgery or labour
To lessen side effects of chemotherapy
Family and relationship issues
What issues can be addressed with hypnosis?
What should I expect from a session?
A deep state of physical and mental relaxation is achieved. The word “sleep” may be used during the session, but it is simply a cue for the subconscious mind. You will not be asleep, your mind will remain aware, the body is deeply relaxed, and you will remember the entire session. You may feel that you are unaffected by what is being said, but in fact you will be deeply affected because the subconscious mind is listening and making changes at a very deep level. Many people leave a session feeling relaxed, empowered and clear.
Will I lose control of myself?
You are in control at all times. The mind will only accept that which goes along with established morals and ethics. The person in a hypnotic state will respond only to suggestions to which he/she is in agreement. In fact, any suggestions that arouse sincere moral indignation will often cause the client to come out of hypnosis. During hypnotherapy, it is common to experience strong emotional reactions. This can be “dialed down“ to a level that is tolerable and able to be experienced safely.
What if I can’t be hypnotized?
90-95% of adults can be hypnotized to some degree. Some will respond more rapidly than others, and will go into deeper depths of trance. The main requirements for a successful session are: ability to focus, willingness to use your imagination, and your desire to allow yourself to go into deeper states of calmness. Keep in mind that hypnosis is a natural state that we experience as we fall asleep/wake, get engrossed in a book or movie, meditate or “zone out” during long highway driving.
How many sessions will I need?
This depends on the condition being treated and how well you respond. Some issues, such as simple phobias, can be resolved in a few sessions, while deep-rooted conditions such as depression may take 10 or more.
The subconscious mind is a lot like a hard drive that stores information. When in hypnosis, it is possible to access old memories, including those from early childhood, as well as the emotions that came with them. There are times in hypnotherapy where it may seem that images, information or a “knowing“ spontaneously emerge, and it is common for the critical mind to want to analyze this experience. The most important part of the process it to simply experience what comes up, including the emotions, as that is where the healing lies. The subconscious also works in metaphor and symbolism, so it can be difficult to tease this apart from true memories.
Are the memories I experience real or made up?
Can you avoid creating false memories?
It is critical that a hypnotherapist be aware of the language they use when working with a client. Simple, straightforward questions are asked so that the client leads the session and goes where they need to, as opposed to leading questions that may influence the subconscious. Being very careful about language and how questions are asked ensures more accurate responses.